The Assay | Colin Sandell-Hay | 12 August 2020

Company Seeking Greenfield Discoveries At Cape Ray
Matador Mining Limited (ASX: MZZ) has appointed Warren Potma as its new full-time Exploration Manager as it looks top grow its Cape Ray Gold Project in Newfoundland, Canada.
Mr Potma is a highly experienced exploration manager, with a successful career spanning over 25 years. He was most recently Principal Geologist for CSA Global, where he provided specialist consulting services to exploration and mining companies across four continents, contributing to significant mineral resource growth and exploration success through maximising the value of, and integration of, large complex geological datasets.
Prior to his time at CSA Global, Mr Potma was Exploration Manager for Hot Chili Limited, an ASX listed company with a portfolio of projects in Chile. During his tenure with Hot Chili, the exploration team delivered a 250% increase in the Productora project’s global Mineral Resource (Cu-Au-Mo), made the maiden porphyry copper discovery for the project (Alice Deposit) and delineated an eight km long porphyry alteration system.
While at Hot Chili, the team also defined a maiden Ore Reserve and provided the geological and geometallurgical inputs required for the Productora Pre- Feasibility Study. Prior to this, Warren held the position of Exploration Manager for Silver Swan Group/Caravel Minerals, which followed eight years with the CSIRO where he led the Mineral Systems and Targeting applied research stream that focused on developing and applying exploration technologies and methodologies across the Australian exploration and mining sector.
He holds a Master’s in structural geology from Monash University, and is a member of both the Australian Institute of Geoscientists and the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
“Whilst the Cape Ray Project is host to an existing high-grade mineral resource with excellent potential for expansion along strike, it is the opportunity for significant greenfield discoveries along the under explored Cape Ray Shear Zone that attracted me to Matador,” Mr Potma said.
Full news click on the link below:
The Assay – Matador Appoints Highly Experienced Exploration Manager